Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Update for the night

Still needs some work, but I'll be working on that tomorrow and the rest of the week.  I think that it's coming along with the fixes that Raquel mentioned.  And Emily thanks for the crits earlier, they helped a lot too.  If you guys see this let me know what you think about it please.

To see it bigger you may need to click on the YouTube button on the player and it should go to YouTube.  For some reason it loads to blogger pretty small... and it won't make a larger view.  I'll look into that later but for now here it is.

1 comment:

  1. Jason, this is looking a lot better! Some things that I'd like to point out. It seems like his right knee is kind of popping in various areas but I think that can be fixed with more polishing. Lastly, before he starts running, it feels like he freezes for a frame or two then runs off. I'm not sure if it's just youtube doing it, but maybe smooth that out if it's doing that in maya. Hope this helps! See you tomorrow!
