Saturday, May 12, 2012
Andrew Shot 02 Lighting
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Andrew Shot 02
@Steven: I see his right hand freezing in mid air at the end. Just throw a little translation on there.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Andrew Shot 02
@Juan: I'd say that pose at the beginning looks at little odd. I seems like his torso and head are tilted a bit too far in opposite directions. The swing also needs more of a follow through to it. He's putting his whole body into it, so his torso should be fully rotated and his arm should be fully extended for a moment before he pulls himself back. I guess also more overlap on the torso when he's teetering on the edge at the end, before he falls.
@Steven: Yours is coming along pretty well, all the basic stuff seems ok. Are you going to add him looking back up at the fly at the end?
@Emily: Your torso looks fine to me, nothing looks too weird about it.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Shot 04 on the Server
@Juan: I think the guy still freezes in place a bit too much when he's looking inside the card about 1 second in. Have him move his hands or his head or something a little. Maybe even his cog.
Btw, the texture thing with the Louie set does not effect you if you're on a PC right? I'm going to grab it now.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Setting Up
The setting is up! You are now free to animate your shots. Don't forget to reference the setting and the rig. Do not import anything or try to make your own sets!! I have set up the cameras as well. Each camera corresponds to your shot. Good luck guys!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Shot 04 Lights
Louie Patterson is on the serve
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Super Rough Anamatic for Louie Patterson
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Louis Patterson Reference!!
Monday, March 19, 2012
First Render Pass
Here is my first pass of my rendered shot. I know that when he runs off it's really dark, and I think that I may add some light into the car just to light the rim of the seats. I think that it's starting to come out alright.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Andrew Shot 04
@Jason: I think that looks fine, although your guy's skin is much shinier than Emily's for some reason. Probably just the extra light.
@Steven: You're pretty much finished. You can play around with the facial expressions some more if you want I guess. Also with the car rocking thing: I have it rocking more now because of some stretching issues on the arms (the pulling back part lets me put his hands farther back to avoid stretching the arms too much while still keeping them on the car).
Friday, March 16, 2012
Shot 3 progress
Lighting Test
Here are some shots with the lighting that felt right to me. I used the directional light that Emily set up, but I added a few other shots to get a feel that i thought represented the feel of the time of day for our sequence. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks!
My comments aren't showing up for whatever reason, but anyways, here's mine now. @Emily: I think you have everything you need. Anything you add now is up to personal preference at this point. I'm curious as to how you solved the problem with the trees not showing up though.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Chen_shot_02 big update

New Lighting!!
More Refining
Here is my shot a bit more refined from Tuesday. I addressed the notes that I got from Raquel and Emily. If there is anything else that needs to be done to Demarcus, feedback would be much appreciated!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Update for the night
Still needs some work, but I'll be working on that tomorrow and the rest of the week. I think that it's coming along with the fixes that Raquel mentioned. And Emily thanks for the crits earlier, they helped a lot too. If you guys see this let me know what you think about it please.
To see it bigger you may need to click on the YouTube button on the player and it should go to YouTube. For some reason it loads to blogger pretty small... and it won't make a larger view. I'll look into that later but for now here it is.
Demarcus rig updated
Notes from March 13th
shot 01
- update rig
- heel should move down after he runs into the car.
- bringing the torso to life as he's checking for his keys.
- check if the handle can be pulled out of car
- raise eyebrows up before blink, go down with blink and then overlap when coming back up
- shoulder when pulling on car fix position
- start working on lighting.
shot 03
- shrink the belly
- change of expression, have eyes focused and then more determined
- change expression at the end.
- don't forget to animate the car moving
- watch shoulder shape
shot 04
- drag on the head in beginning
- don't forget to lead with the torso
- update rig
- watch the elbows when he first pushes. or the silhouettes.
- great opportunity to see the face expressions as he's pushing the car
- watch that his hands don't flow through his head.
shot 05
- maybe turn the hips a little more in the beginning.
- watch the eyebrows when he's looking at the camera.
- watch that the watch silhouettes better with the hand at the end.
- try opening and closing the hand when he runs off screen.
- head needs to lag a little bit.
- get rid of the belly in all the shots. 20%
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Shot 05 Progress
Here is my shot guys... I'm still working on some stuff but this is my progress for the night. can't wait to see the rest of your guys shots!!